Monday, July 26, 2010

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks by E. Lockhart

Frankie has her growth spurt and discovers leave-in conditioner the summer after her freshman year in high school, and when she gets back to school, boys seem to notice.  In particular one boy, Matthew, whom Frankie begins to date.  But Matthew and his friends are part of a secret society, the Basset Hounds, and the society doesn't let in girls.  Frankie, frustrated at being underestimated, impersonates the Basset's leader, organizing increasingly daring and successful pranks on campus, but pulling off brilliant pranks while letting someone else gets the credit rankles, and ultimately she has to come clean.  There are elements of romance, but ultimately this story is about Frankie and her growing realization of how being female effects how others see and treat her.  It doesn't have a "happy ending" in that Frankie does not end up with the boy of her dreams, but she does recognize her own self-confidence, worth and sense of power.

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