Saturday, August 18, 2012

Divergent by Veronica Roth

In dystopian Chicago, society has been divided into 5 factions, each dedicated to cultivating a certain value:
  • Amity (the peaceful)
  • Candor (the honest)
  • Abnegation (the selfless)
  • Erudite (the intelligent)
  • Dauntless (the brave) 
Born into one, everyone is tested and has one opportunity to choose a new faction at 16 based on their strongest personality trait, going through various initiations and tests to prove their worth in the chosen faction.  Anyone who fails to chose or to be worthy lives as the factionless, dregs of society outside the protected sectors of the city. 

Beatrice, or Tris as she comes to be known, chooses to give up her life in Abnegation in order to become Dauntless, knowing she has a secret - she is Divergent.  The Divergent are rumors, whispered about or dismissed as myth; people with an affinity for two factions, not just one.  If such people are discovered, they are quickly and quietly disposed of, so her secret must remain just that.  Because Tris' secret is even more - she is not just aligned with Abnegation and Dauntless, she is Erudite, as well, and in a society where roles are everything, secrets will get you killed.

Tagline from the book: "One choice can transform you."

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